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Persuasive Essay on Banning Computer Games: Ideas and Arguments

Addicted Gamer

So, you have weighed all pros and cons and decided that generally you would support the idea of computer games ban. Alright, that’s a big step towards the success of your persuasive writing on this topic.

Now, as you know which particular position you hold, it’s time to outline a few iron arguments which can support your point of view and leave no chance for any opposite opinions. Let’s prove that the ban of computer games is a wise solution which we should consider nowadays and bring into life eventually.

Note that in this article we’re going to set the examples of real computer and video games, so don’t take the critical approach to their descriptions to heart if you’ve ever played them.

Distorting Historical and Today’s Reality

A game should remain a game, with its own virtual reality, however similar to that of our world it is. It mustn’t either hoax or overlap with real historical or current events. As long as not every gamer has a collection of books on world’s history in his or her room, a computer game with some deliberately distorted historical background might simply delude an innocent teenager or even adult.

Here are a few examples of real computer games that were banned because of this:

  • Call of Duty: Black Ops: the main mission of this game was to assassinate a young Cuban leader, namely Fidel Castro. Do you imagine what attitude this game could stimulate among let’s say American players?
  • Command & Conquer: Generals: this game was banned in China, in particular, because it involved a gamer into destroying…China! The list of the gamer’s tasks includes plenty of exciting undertakings, among which there is a nuclear attack on Beijing, heavy bombardment of the Three Gorges Dam and other valuable Chinese landmarks.

Misinterpreting Some Religious and Cultural Aspects

These days we’re talking a lot about religious tolerance and cultural respect. That’s why the developers of the game The Legend of Zelda had to fix it before everything could have gone the very wrong way.

The thing is that the game was considered to originally use the music from a traditional Islamic prayer as the soundtrack for the Fire Temple episode. In that Temple there is a dangerous dragon which must be killed, just so you know.

Encouraging Racial Discrimination

No philosophizing here. Just have a look at these two examples and make your conclusions:

  • Border Patrol, developed in 2002, is a browser-based game which literally compels you to mercilessly kill Mexicans who try to cross the Mexican-American border. Of course, illegal immigration isn’t a tendency to encourage, but it’s definitely not about murdering people anyway.
  • Ethnic Cleansing was created in 2002 for PC platforms and is rightfully considered one of the most racist computer games. The very name should have made you think of its content and tasks. So, well, yes, you can play as a Klansman, a member of the Ku Klux Klan, or a skinhead to kill Jews, Blacks and Latinos. Just reread it and get shocked.

Involving Rape

The worst thing about it is that in most cases female characters of these games are real girls, involved into pornography. That’s why The Guy Game was banned in the U.S. about 10 years ago.

Along with this game, developers of many other ones were accused of including rapist’s content into their creations. Consequently, such games were and are widely banned, especially in Eastern countries, Australia and New Zealand.

Turning Murder into a Norm

That’s definitely not cool and normal when some real crazy man stabs a real taxi driver with a knife and blames the computer game afterwards. Still, that’s a real case unfortunately.

In 2008 Polwat Chino, a citizen of Thailand, killed a taxi driver instead of paying him the money he earned honestly by taking Polwat to the destination. However stupid it sounds, but the young man blamed the game Grand Theft Auto for his spontaneous violence.

Threatening International Safety and Peace

Have you ever heard of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2? Its mission is quite…aggressive, especially towards Mexico. To be more precise, the gamers must fight Mexican rebels. However, that actually makes Mexican people look like criminals. Mayor Hector Murguia Lardizabal rightfully claimed that the game scares tourists away from Mexico, making it seem a warzone.

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